
Fantom sa imenom "Evropski socijalni model"

Fantom sa imenom "Evropski socijalni model"

Sarajevo, 2006, 2007

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Kako potaknuti razvoj na lokalnoj razini

Kako potaknuti razvoj na lokalnoj razini

priručnik s primjerima najbolje prakse iz Jugoistočne Europe
Zagreb, 2005, 2006

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How to improve development on local level

How to improve development on local level

handbook with best practice examples from South-East Europe
Zagreb, 2004, 2006

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Reforming local public administration

Reforming local public administration

efforts and perspectives in South-East European countries
Zagreb, 2004, 2006

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Economic development on the local and regional level

Economic development on the local and regional level

initiatives in South-East Europe
Bonn, 2003

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Financiranje lokalne samouprave

Financiranje lokalne samouprave

studije slučaja Njemačke, Slovenije i Hrvatske
Zagreb, 2003, 2006

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Reforms of public services

Reforms of public services

experiences of municipalities and region in South-East Europe
Zagreb, 2003, 2006

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National minorities in South-East Europe

National minorities in South-East Europe

legal and social status at local leval
Bonn, 2003

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Decentralizacija i sudjelovanje građana na lokalnoj razini

Decentralizacija i sudjelovanje građana na lokalnoj razini

iskustva i problemi zemalja Jugoistočne Europe
Bonn, 2003

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Executive and legislative at local level

Executive and legislative at local level

structure and interrelations in countries of South-East Europa
Bonn, 2003

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Blickpunkt Kroatien

Blickpunkt Kroatien

Der "Blickpunkt Kroatien" erscheint als Newsletter der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Zagreb viermal jährlich. Er bietet mit Beiträgen und Interviews Hintergrundinformationen und Kommentare zu aktuellen Entwicklungen in der kroatischen Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Mehr

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FES Publikationen weltweit

Alle Publikationen der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Deutschland sowie im Netzwerk der mehr als 100 Büros weltweit finden Sie auf der deutschen Seite der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. Mehr