
Financing local self government

Financing local self government

case-studies from Germany, Slovenia and Croatia
Bonn, 2003

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The interreg model

The interreg model

practical experience in cross border co-operatives
Bonn, 2003

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Citizens' partizipation in local self-government

Citizens' partizipation in local self-government

experiences of South-East European countries
Bonn, 2003

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Local self government and decentralization in South-East Europe

Local self government and decentralization in South-East Europe

proceedings of the workshop held in Zagreb, Croatia, 6th April 2001
Zagreb, 2001, 2006

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Strategije protiv nezaposlenosti

Zagreb, 2002, 2006

Zur Publikation (710 KB, PDF-File)

Uzori u tržišnom gospodarstvu

Radke, Detlef

Uzori u tržišnom gospodarstvu

socijalno tržišno gospodarstvo Savezne Republike Njemačke
Bonn, 2003

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Vodič kroz lokalnu politiku

Gisevius, Wolfgang

Vodič kroz lokalnu politiku

Bonn, 2003

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Uvod u publicističku znanost i komunikologiju

Kunczik, Michael; Zipfel, Astrid

Uvod u publicističku znanost i komunikologiju

Zagreb, 2000, 2006

Publikation herunterladen (550 KB, PDF-File)

Hrvatsko radništvo i socijalna pravda

Magdalenić, Ivan

Hrvatsko radništvo i socijalna pravda

rezultati empirijskog istraživanja
Bonn, 2003

Publikation herunterladen (6910 KB, PDF-File)

Prava zaposlenika - zaposleničko vijeće - sindikat

Kohl, Heribert

Prava zaposlenika - zaposleničko vijeće - sindikat

vrednovanje njemačkih i hrvatskih iskustava ; pozitivni i negativni primjeri za vlastito djelovanje
Bonn, 2003

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Blickpunkt Kroatien

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